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A-PAD Philippines DRRM Orientation and Business Continuity Planning for Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises Program

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A-PAD Philippines DRRM Orientation and Business Continuity Planning for Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises Program

A-PAD Philippines DRRM Orientation and Business Continuity Planning for Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises Program

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The A-PAD Philippines Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Orientation and Business Continuity Planning Workshop is given to Micro-Small-Medium Enterprises, Local Government Units, and Civil Society Organizations in pilot areas of  in Luzon, Bicol, Cebu, and Davao.

It aims to increase the knowledge and adaptive capacity of MSMEs and their communities to disasters. Disaster resilience of communities is enhanced when stakeholders and local governments can effectively address local disaster risks.

Farmers, fisher folks, and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises are the most vulnerable during disasters because they are relatively resource constrained and less resilient. They have limited access to a broader set of coping strategies and are generally not prepared for disasters. The impact of disasters to the productive sector, especially at the micro-level, stunts the social and economic recovery of disaster stricken communities.